Division MenuWest Virginia Programs National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP) Brucellosis Certification Tuberculosis Accreditation Secure Milk Supply Title 61 Legislative Animal Disease Control BR Certification – Cervid Herds TB Accredidation – Cervid Herds Salmonella Pullorum (Typhoid) Report – FMADMNI.009 Click the links below to view information by species: Cattle Cervid Equine Small Ruminants Swine Poultry LINKS Equine Viral Arteritis EECVI WVU Extension Beef.org WV Farm Bureau …
Animal Health Division
Division MenuAnimal Health Division watches for signs of animal diseases at fairs, auction markets, and whenever animals enter or leave the state. The division can halt animal transportation through embargo and quarantine to limit the spread of disease. It has a variety of resources to eradicate disease outbreaks and decontaminate affected farms or other premises. Its associated laboratories allow quick …
Animal Health Licenses
Animal Health Division licensing includes mainly areas that were delegated from Executive (Dangerous Wild Animals, Deer Farms, Hunting Preserves), or shifted to Animal Health responsibility with a November 2019 reorganization that relocated licensing previously in Agriculture Business Development (formerly Marketing Division’s livestock dealer, livestock market, and weighman licensing). Annual apiary registration was likewise relocated from Division of Plant Industry. Historically, …
WVDA Proposes Lymantria Dispar Treatments for Spring 2025
March 13, 2025CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) is proposing aerial treatment of approximately 17,328 acres for the purpose of reducing significant impacts to forested lands within West Virginia caused by the Lymantria dispar (spongy moth aka gypsy moth). The WVDA proposes to treat these acres under the WVDA Cooperative State-County-Landowner (CSCL) Suppression Program. WVDA officials …
Resources and Links
Welcome to our Resources and Links page. Here, you’ll find a curated selection of valuable resources and helpful links to answer questions and help you make informed decisions. Whether you’re looking for educational materials, practical tools, or communities to connect with, we’ve got you covered. This page will continually be updated as we discover useful tools and information. For any …
Op Ed: Breaking the Cycle: Why WV Must Prioritize Local Food and Health
Facing what our new Governor describes as a “massive deficit” in our state budget, I can’t help but notice that Medicaid and PEIA are among the primary causes. This raises an important question. What could we have done over the past few decades to reduce these expenses? The answer is simple – promote healthier outcomes through better diet and nutrition. …