West Virginia’s people take a lot of pride in the heritage. Our farmer and producers are no exception – although they certainly are exceptional.

Developed in 1986, West Virginia Grown was designed to market West Virginia grown and made products to consumers. By placing the West Virginia Grown logo on a product, they are assuring buyers that product was grown or processed, with quality ingredients, in the Mountain State.

As local food continues to grow in popularity and consumers turn to healthier, fresher options, branding your products as local will be vital to increasing potential market opportunities. We believe this program is an important component to helping grow and diversify our economy, as well as expand our local food systems throughout West Virginia. Our mission is to convey to the consumer that when they buy a West Virginia Grown product they are putting dollars right back into the communities we all live in.

The branding around this program is simple – West Virginians pride themselves on their heritage and culture. We always rally around one another and never shy away from supporting our great state. That same pride we have tried to emulate through our West Virginia Grown program.

Agriculture has rich roots in the Mountain state, and we believe it will play a vital role to our future.

The 2025 West Virginia Grown Directory

WV Grown Directory 2025 Cover
Download your region's directory below.

Eastern Panhandle
Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, Pendleton

Metro Valley
Boone, Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, McDowell, Mingo, Putnam, Wayne

Mid-Ohio Valley
Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, Jackson, Lewis, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt, Wood

New River Greenbrier Valley
Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Raleigh, Summers, Wyoming

North Central
Barbour, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Pocahontas, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker, Upshur, Webster

Northern Panhandle
Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, Tyler, Pleasants

Partner Program
Partner Program members and entire WV Grown list

Download the West Virginia Grown Program Guidelines & Membership Application

Download the Application

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Marketing Programs

Homegrown by Heroes Logo

WV Grown and Homegrown By Heroes Merged Mark

The West Virginia Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce the official agreement with the Farmer Veteran Coalition’s Homegrown By Heroes Mark to produce a merged mark combining WV Grown and the Homegrown By Heroes.  This mark certifies farmers and ranchers of all military eras to sell their product as veteran and locally owned and produced. This is a marketing initiative that informs consumers that agricultural products donning the mark were locally produced, grown, or with 50% or greater value-added non-water ingredients within West Virginia by U.S. military veterans. The initiative allows veterans to differentiate their farm and ranch products in the marketplace.

Benefits of using the merged WV Grown and Homegrown By Heroes Mark

  • The mark differentiates locally and veteran-produced products in competitive markets.
  • It provides consumers a tangible way to support veterans.
  • Displaying the mark on your farmers’ market stand, egg cartons, canned goods, produce boxes, etc. gives veterans the point-of-sale visibility needed to be successful in the marketplace.
  • Displaying the mark on a farmers’ market stand or anywhere you do business invites consumers to ask about the mark, providing an opportunity for the veteran to share their story and connect with their customers. In many cases, this leads to loyal, returning customers.

How do I get WV Grown Homegrown By Heroes certified?

  1. In order to become a certified Homegrown By Heroes member, first become a member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition (membership is free). If you are not yet a member or for more information, visit https://farmvetco.org/membership/
  2. After your membership has been approved by FVC, then you’ll need to become a certified Homegrown By Heroes member. More details can be found here https://farmvetco.org/hbh/.
  3. Finally, apply to the WV Grown program (membership is free). If you are not a member of WV Grown just download the application and submit. You will be notified once approved.

WV Grown Current Companies