Commissioner Leonhardt Encourages Farmers to Participate in 2022 Ag Census

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt and the West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) are encouraging all farmers and farm operations to participate in the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) mailed paper questionnaires to producers in December. “We encourage everyone who receives a census to participate. This is …

Commissioner Leonhardt Calls for hard Commitment on Laboratory Funding

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – After reviewing Governor Jim Justice’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget, Commissioner Kent Leonhardt released the following statement: “I’m thrilled to finally see a line-item for laboratories within the budget bill, but I am disappointed that it’s only a soft commitment through the surplus section. With the Legislature looking to push historic policy changes, including record tax breaks, …

Policymakers Must Advocate for Agriculture

As my team heads into its seventh Legislative session, we once again set off to advocate on behalf of agriculture, our farmers and West Virginia’s food supply. Each and every session, we work diligently to remind our lawmakers the value agriculture adds to the West Virginia economy and security of our citizens. Through our efforts, we have found ways to …